G- Clinging to Rules and Observances *NEW*

13/02/2011 19:13


"Here, Punna, someone develops the dog observance fully and uninterruptedly, he develops the dog-ethics fully and uninterruptedly, he develops the dog mind fully and uninterruptedly, he develops dog behavior fully and uninterruptedly. [Having done that], on the dissolution of the body, after death, he reappears in the company of dogs. But if his view is such as this: 'By this observance or ethcis or asceticism or holy life I shall become a god or some (lesser) god,' that is wrong view in his case. Now there are two destinations for one with wrong view, I say: hell or the animal womb. So, Punna, if he succeeds in his dog observance, he will reappear in the company of dogs; if not, he will reappear in hell."


MN 57 Kukkuravatika Sutta: The Dog-duty Ascetic


''Idha puṇṇa, ekacco kukkuravataṃ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṃ abbokiṇṇaṃ, kukkurasīlaṃ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṃ abbokiṇṇaṃ, kukkuracittaṃ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṃ abbokiṇṇaṃ, kukkurākappaṃ bhāveti paripuṇṇaṃ abbokiṇṇaṃ, ''

Idha = here

ekacco (nom. sg.)= someone

kukkura-vataṃ (acc. sg.)= the dog observance

bhāveti = he develops

paripuṇṇaṃ = fully

abbokiṇṇaṃ = uninterruptedly

kukkura-sīlaṃ (acc. sg.)= the dog rule

kukkura-cittaṃ (acc. sg.)=the mind of the dog

kukkur-ākappaṃ (acc. sg.)= the dog behavior

''so kukkuravataṃ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṃ abbokiṇṇaṃ, kukkurasīlaṃ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṃ abbokiṇṇaṃ, kukkuracittaṃ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṃ abbokiṇṇaṃ, kukkurākappaṃ bhāvetvā paripuṇṇaṃ abbokiṇṇaṃ, kāyassa bhedā parammaraṇā kukkurānaṃ sahavyataṃ upapajjati, ''

bhāvetvā = having developed

kāyassa (gen. sg.) bhedā = on the dissolution of the body

parammaraṇā = after death

kukkurānaṃ (gen. pl.) sahavyataṃ (acc. sg.) upapajjati = he reappears in the company of dogs


''sace kho panassa evaṃ diṭṭhi hoti: imināhaṃ sīlena vā vatena vā tapena vā brahmacariyena vā devo vā bhavissāmi devaññataro vāti. ''

sace = if

pana = now

assa = his

evaṃ diṭṭhi hoti = is such a view

imina sīlena (inst. sg.) vā vatena vā tapena vā brahmacariyena vā = by this ethics, by this observance, by this ascetic practice, or by this holy life

devo vā devaññataro vā = a god or (some lesser) god

bhavissāmi = I will become

''Sāssa hoti micchādiṭṭhi, micchādiṭṭhikassa kho ahaṃ puṇṇa dvinnaṃ gatīnaṃ aññataraṃ gatiṃ vadāmi: nirayaṃ vā tiracchānayoniṃ vā.''

Sa -assa hoti micchādiṭṭhi = this is wrong view for him

micchādiṭṭhikassa = for one with wrong view

dvinnaṃ gatīnaṃ (gen. pl.) aññataraṃ gatiṃ (acc. sg.)vadāmi = there is one of two destinies, I say

nirayaṃ (acc. sg.) vā tiracchāna-yoniṃ (acc. sg.) vā = hell or the animal womb


'' Iti kho puṇṇa sampajjamānaṃ kukkuravataṃ kukkurānaṃ sahavyataṃ upaneti. Vipajjamānaṃ nirayanti''

sampajjamānaṃ = successful

upaneti = brings